
Dear Diary, First day of the diet,and i was determined to succeed, got up and ate a bowl of museli and a glass of orange juice. Felt quite pleased with myself until 10 minutes later when my bowels started to complain over the high percentage of fibre. I felt as if I'd swallowed a brick. Remembered to feed the cat who still hasn't forgiven me for yesterdays blunder. Left the house with its eyes burning into my back.
Arrived at work to find Will waiting for me. Fobbed off his 'Where were you on Monday night?' with a favourite about not feeling well and having to go straight to bed explaining the lack of a phone call. Found it a little harder to explain why I hadn't got the 4 text messages and 2 emails he had sent me yesterday, not quite sure he believed that 'my phone had broken' In the end I used the typical male lines that 'I wasn't sure where our relationship was going' and I needed 'to take time to step back'. That should hold him for now.
Spent the morning browsing over shoes over the internet and debating whether to go for the black ones with the four inch heals ones or the blue kitten - healed ones. Had to buy them both in the end so I could get on with some work.
Ate one measly salad sandwich that was about as exiting as eating cardboard, filled me about the same too. Spent a good half an hour arguing with myself whether to go and buy some temptingly close (and by now almost heavenly looking) chocolate from the vending machine. Saw Judy from accounts buy one, shuddered, and didn't think about it for the rest of the afternoon.
Left early (to avoid Will) and found I had a text message from that guy in archives claiming he wanted to do lunch so he could discuss a few things with me. He really must be annoyed if he has to complain to me in private and out of work hours. It must be those dozen odd files I 'forgot' to return. Thank God there's no late return fines, I get the feeling I might get punished for this one.
Returned home to find the cat showing its forgiveness by rolling up on the bed and falling asleep. If only cats ruled the earth not men. Whilst looking through the freezer in search of health food I came across a simply irresistible tub of Hagen-daz ice cream. Tried to resist for about half a second before my stomach took over. Made sure my conscience was looking the other way before taking the cat's lead and curling up to watch a film. Sheer bliss. The diet will have to wait until tomorrow.

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